Huwebes, Mayo 9, 2013

May 10, 2013

Education 23

Essay Questions: Choose only one to answer. Place your answer as a comment of this blog.

1. Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

2. Give at least five distinguishing features of children,adolescent and adult learners.

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  1. Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.

    Mga Tugon
    1. Romarie Fe S. Biare Pse 2

      1. They're are 5 ways to teach students.

      * A teacher must provide a well-organized and structure classroom (conducive in learning)
      * A teacher must check the organization of students material periodically
      * She must eliminate distracting materials inside the classroom.
      * She must be flexible and will be able to learn to adjust students needs
      * She will break tasks into smaller units (for learners will be able to finish their assigned task easily)

  2. 1. Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    1. provide a well structured and well organized classroom.
    2. periodically check the organization of students material.
    3. eliminate some distracting material in the classroom.
    4. be flexible and learn to adjust to student's needs.
    5. check their works and give corrected feedback.
    2. Give at least five distinguishing features of children,adolescent and adult learners.

    1. manipulation of concrete experiences
    2. they develop and discover through their senses
    3. they learn best through play
    4.they develop readiness of their skills (fine and gross motor skills)
    5. they needed much motivation to do specific task

    1. they develop 2 important areas work and relationship
    2. they undergo physical changes
    3. they discover new information and apply or try in daily living
    4. socialization is much more evident
    5. often depend on adults assistance or guidance


    1. they prefer individual learning
    2. Self-directed in which typically not dependent on others for direction
    3. they are more self guided in learning
    4. they are responsible in learning especially in doing some works, assignments.
    5. they are highly motivated already due to they had acquire more knowledge than adolescent have.

  3. Question #2.
    Give at least five distinguishing features of children,adolescent and adult learners.

    It's very important for the teachers' to understand the levels of learning of his/her learners so that he/she could deliver the learning's properly. Here are some of the characteristics of each learners'.


    1. Children are already very good in interpreting meaning without necessarily understanding the individual word.
    2. Children already have great skill in using limited language creativity.
    3. Children frequently learn indirectly rather than directly.
    4. Children take good pleasure in finding and creating fun in what they do.
    5. Children have a ready imagination, children words are full of imagination and fantasy, and it is more than simply matter of enjoyment.


    1. Display a wide range of intellectual development.
    2. Are in transition from concrete to abstract thinking.
    3. Are intensely curious and dabble in a wide range of pursuits, few of which are sustained.
    4. Prefer active over passive learning activities.
    5. Prefer interaction with peers during learning activities.


    1. Adult students are mature people and prefer to be treated as such.
    They learn best in a democratic, participatory, and collaborative
    environment. They need to be actively involved in determining how
    and what they learn and they need active rather than passive learning
    experiences. They are self-reliant learners and prefer to work at their
    own pace.
    2. Adults have needs which are concrete and immediate. They tend to be
    impatient unless they see that information can be applied to practical
    problems. They are task- or problem-centered rather than subject centered. This doesn't mean they are not interested in subject area,
    but their learning is not complete until it is expressed in appropriate
    3. Adults are more impatient in the pursuit of learning objectives. They
    are less tolerant of “busy work” that does not have immediate and
    direct application to their objectives. If it is not relevant to their needs,
    then they aren't very interested.
    4. Adults have useful past experience. They are more realistic and have
    insights about what is likely to work and what is not. They are more
    readily able to relate new facts to past experiences.
    5. Adults enjoy having their talents and information used in a teaching
    situation. They bring their own experiences and knowledge into the
    classroom. They like the type of learning that gives them practical
    activities that build on their prior skills and knowledge.

  4. All students with special needs are unique. These students are much different from the ordinary and regular students in the classroom. They manifest characteristics that largely deviate to what is normal. Likewise, children with special needs may have problems with their cognition, communication, sensation, motion or social interaction. Some may even diagnosed with disorder affecting all of these aspects that could profoundly prevent them from doing their activities of daily living. This staggering array of impairments may be the cause of misconception, discrimination and maltreatment of their teachers, classmates or children of their own age who do not have any understanding of their special needs. These attitudes may be a stigma to them. Thus, there are specialized strategies that tailored to their special abilities and disabilities whenever they are in school or in a classroom. To name some of the many strategies these include:
    1. Provide a well-structured and well-organized classroom.
    The classroom setting for students with special needs must be arranged in a manner that provides calming effect to them. A working place that is quiet and free from any distractions. The child should be able to find what he needs without asking or hunting. He should be trained to put things back, obviously, to maintain order. The materials must be accessible to most frequently used items. This type of organization allows children to work more independently, reduces distractions or tantrums. Use concrete materials, manipulatives, experiments, and charts to aid instruction.
    2. The teacher must be flexible and learn to adjust to their needs.
    The teacher must patiently allow the student as much time as needed to process whatever he/she is teaching. In addition, the teacher may need to slow down if he/she is used to speaking quickly. Demonstrate chores or tasks rather than relying on verbal explanations alone.
    3. The teacher must break or chunk information and tasks to simpler units.
    The teacher must consider that unlike other regular students, children with special needs require simpler tasks or instructions in order to achieve a certain goal. The child must be appreciated with his work no matter how small it is. Let them feel success at the beginning in order that they will experience fulfillment and thereby will have the interest to continue or progress to other tasks an . Use simple commands with as few words as possible, having the child then carry out that instruction. Follow this with the next brief command. Simple tasks must be given at the early period so that learning for them will not be too stressful or frustrating .However, the student must not only engage to easier activity but rather be given certain tasks that are challenging to them. Stretch him a bit, but be sensitive to what is too challenging.
    4. Check their works and give corrected feedback immediately.
    Teaching children with special needs will probably spend a great deal more time feeding him information before he is able to understand than with a child without a learning disability. The teacher must plan to stay with the child or nearby and check his work frequently in order to provide immediate feedback when his attempts are incorrect. Show and explain to the student that he doesn’t end up with a wrong habit that will have to be remedied later.
    5. Teacher must teach them on how to establish study skills like note taking or high lighting information.
    The child must be able to establish study skills or routines so that processing of information and learning will be much easier for them. They should be taught on how to take note or high light important details in order that they will be able to retrieve and remember the information easily without putting them in under stress .

    Jennifer Unabia-Torio 

  5. Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    1. First, I believe the teacher has to be patient. Patience is the key in providing good teaching to these students. This, I guess, is most important since it helps you become more understanding and considerate with your students.
    2. Since most students with special needs have language problems, I believe it's best to support your oral presentations with visual presentations.
    3. I would say “Repetition” is necessary. As students with special learning needs need more time processing and understanding things, it is best to keep on repeating things until they're able to understand them.
    4. For me, encouraging students and giving acknowledgments are necessary to boost their morale. It takes a lot of effort on the teacher's part to get their students with special needs to participate in the classroom. Giving them encouragement and acknowledgments will be of big help. Giving kudos to them in doing small things won't hurt. ;)
    5. Finally, Let them ask questions. It's important to know what they're thinking. It also helps the students to be more comfortable being around with their teacher since they would feel that the teacher is open-minded and approachable. :)

    It's challenging enough to be a teacher, what more if you are teaching students with special learning needs. That's why I wanna give KUDOS to our beloved teachers! Continue inspiring people! Thank you for being a blessing! :)

    by: Geralden Karen S. Gevero

  6. 1. Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    1.)Provide learning disabled students with frequent progress checks. Let them know how well they are progressing toward an individual or class goal.

    2.)Give immediate feedback to learning disabled students. They need to see quickly the relationship between what was taught and what was learned.

    3.)Make activities concise and short, whenever possible. Long, drawn-out projects are particularly frustrating for a learning disabled child.

    4.)Learning disabled children have difficulty learning abstract terms and concepts. Whenever possible, provide them with concrete objects and events—items they can touch, hear, smell, etc.

    5.)When necessary, plan to repeat instructions or offer information in both written and verbal formats.

    by: Alan Balingit Jr.

  7. Give at least five distinguishing features of children, adolescent and adult learners

    --- Children---
    Children learn through active play. They use manipulative objects while playing, hence, they learn to explore and discover new things which makes learning more meaningful. Language also is an important tool for them which increases their comprehension and that promotes " meaning making". During lessons, they cooperate to learn rather than to compete with one another. They need moire motivation as well in order to sustain their enthusiasm to finish instructional task. Also, they appreciate more on visuals and real objects which are very inviting to their eyes and that can easily catch their attention to learn a new concept.

    Adolescent learning focus on physical changes, just like, weight, height and other body changes. They tend to be highly curious and display broad way of interest. During lessons, they are more favor on active experiences rather than being passive. They also prefer interaction with peers during educational activities which may develop more their social skills. Then,their abstract thought processes are being developed as well. Teachers also disciplined them more in order to avoid any potential problems that may disrupt during classes.

    -- ADULT--
    Maturity brings unique characteristics that affects how adult are motivated to learn. Since they are highly motivated already, they want only to have brief lessons because they are more on individual learners as they have lessen their attention span. They are also highly competent and can already reason out critically/ logically ( inductive and deductive). Although they can learn through abstract concepts , giving them guidance and directions will always be a must for them

    by: Irish Pearl V. Tadem

  8. Question Number 1. Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    Answer: Teaching is never an easy profession. It is a very tough and challenging job to teach and manage children with diversities. All of the efforts of the teacher should be doubled especially if there are children with special needs inside the classroom. However, we future educators are taught of ways on how to address this kind of situation for us to be flexible enough and equipped with sufficient knowledge in dealing children with special learning needs.
    Here are some ways on how to teach students with special learning needs.
    1. If your pupil is impaired visually or has impairment in hearing, we should place this learner in the front row, most probably near the teacher and the chalk board for them to be able to see and hear more clearly. The learning materials should also be varied accordingly such as more visual aids for hearing impaired or more auditory materials for visually impaired to sustain their attention and learning.
    2. If your pupil has ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, if possible, never place the learner near the window nor the door because there are many stimuli that would interrupt their attention such as the noise, the children walking, the view outside, etc. Aside from that, we should lessen giving activities that requires much concentration and focus because it will end up unfinished since they have very short attention span.
    3. If your pupil is emotionally disturbed or has conduct disorder, we should establish a non-threatening classroom environment wherein they will feel comfortable, welcomed, warmth, acceptance and unbiased. We should immediately address and correct negative behavior and give necessary feedback as soon as possible. Also, we must establish rapport between the teacher and learner, as well as establish good relationship with his/her classmates.
    4. For children with specific learning disabilities, constant repetition of the lessons should be done for them to truly inculcate those lessons. Furthermore, integration of multisensory approach and educational technology would be very helpful for them to acquire knowledge easily.
    5. Lastly, I believe, one best effective way in teaching students with special learning needs is to love our work. If we are passionate and devoted to our work, we will be able to surpass all challenges and trials in teaching that would inevitably come to our way. If we love our work, we don’t need to double our energy and effort because we won’t force ourselves to work, for our desire to do it comes from our hearts content. Finally, if we love our work, it will be work no longer but sheer enjoyment.
    Once again, teaching is never an easy profession but very self fulfilling indeed.

    By: Marie Prime C. Cruz, BEED-SPED III

  9. Five ways to teach students with special learning needs:

    1.Provide oral instruction for students with reading disabilities. Present tests and reading materials in an oral format so the assessment is not unduly influenced by lack of reading ability.

    2.Provide learning disabled students with frequent progress checks. Let them know how well they are progressing toward an individual or class goal.

    3.Give immediate feedback to learning disabled students. They need to see quickly the relationship between what was taught and what was learned.

    4.Make activities concise and short, whenever possible. Long, drawn-out projects are particularly frustrating for a learning disabled child.

    5.Learning disabled youngsters have difficulty learning abstract terms and concepts. Whenever possible, provide them with concrete objects and events—items they can touch, hear, smell, etc.

    Claudine Dayao. BEED-GEN 2

  10. 1. Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    As a future teacher, we must have different styles and ways on how to teach those students with special learning needs. Always know your students. As a teacher you must identify who are those students who have special learning needs for you to be able to adjust and address their needs. These are the following ways on how to teach them:

    1. Provide first a conducive classroom for learning. It must be organized and structured well with good ventilation and lighting. The rooms must not be too extravagant that catches the attention of the students where they cannot now focus to the instruction.
    2. The teachers must facilitate and guide each student through the educational process. Students with special learning needs must really be given enough attention and guidance. The teacher must know what caused these children to have their special learning needs by relating to them throughout the facilitation of the discussion.
    3. The teacher can do the chunking method, it makes the lesson easier for your students to understand if you will break each topic into smaller units.
    4. Remedial instruction can also be given which aims to improve a skill or ability in each student.
    5. Use various techniques, such a more practice or explanation, repeating the information and giving more time to work on the skills. Giving of various activities can motivate these students and can really help in addressing their special learning needs.

    But of course, for a teacher to be able to do these effectively she/he must be flexible enough and dynamic in doing his/her tasks. The teacher must also have the patience to be able to understand and address the needs of this kind of students. There are no rooms for any prejudices, stereotyping and misconduct in this field. So, the teacher must really be passionate and enthusiastic in dealing with these students with special learning needs.

    BSED – SOC. STUD. 3

  11. Delineate at least 5 ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    1. Provide a well-structured and well-organized classroom so that they are free to move and do whatever extra things they want to do because students with special learning needs are hyperactive and get easily bored that they tend to do extra activities to enjoy themselves and to satisfy their curiosity in a certain thing. So, for them to move freely, the classroom structure must be spacious and the classroom environment must be comfortable and convenient to them.

    2. Allow them to acquire needed study skills such as highlighting, webbing, outlining, note-taking, etc. so that they will be able to develop or enhance the hidden talents and skills that they have that they are not aware of. These activities will help sharpen their minds, help build or develop confidence within themselves that they are able to do this and that, encourage them to pursue their studies and serve as an aid or way to enjoy themselves while learning and doing instead of just roaming around or playing to kill time. Allowing them to engage into such activities will keep them busy that they might forget to do non-sense things. But make sure to limit their time in doing so for they easily get bored.

    3. Check their works and give corrective feedback right there and then. Through this, you are able to be open to them in terms of checking and correcting their works right in front of them or just with their presence to let them know that you are giving fair grades to all of them and that there is no bias at all. But in giving feedback or corrections, make sure that they will not be offended, correct their work patiently in terms of giving ways or instruction on how to make their work correct and patiently wait for their work to be done or in other words, don't put time pressure while they are working or doing seat work because children with learning disabilities really need more time to complete or to get done with their work.

    4. Be flexible and learn to adjust to student's needs. Since you are handling students with special learning needs, LONGER and WIDER PATIENCE is the most important virtue that you must possess towards your students so that you will be able to understand them in times of their mood-change or stubbornness. With regards to their needs most specifically in terms of their learning disability like if they are catching the lesson so slowly that they tend not to understand the lesson after the discussion, have the patience to repeat what you have discussed and if they do not still understand it, just keep on repeating it with patience and do not show them that you are tired of discussing repeatedly because they will develop self-pity within themselves and they might not be open to you by telling you that they do not yet understand the lesson for the following day of discussion because they will install in their minds that you might get tired of teaching them repeatedly.

    5. Break the task into smaller units or chunking. Since your students get bored easily, do not discuss so long that they tend to fall asleep or have the tendency to lose their attention from the discussion. Moreover, make strategies or techniques to keep them alive in the class during class discussion by interrupting some jokes related to the topic being discussed, share to them some personal experiences related to the topic because students like to listen and to know some happenings in your life in order for them to know you more or to develop interaction between you and your students, and give activities that would awaken their minds and interest. On the other hand, when you give task or activity to them, do not make it too difficult that they might have difficulty in completing the task and just give activity or task that suits to their level of capability and capacity for them to develop self-fulfillment and success right after the task.

    Completed by: Aiza Mainit Cayunda, BSED - 2

  12. Question # 1. Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    1. Recognize that there is not a
    single way for students to learn
    by providing a wide variety of
    visual, auditory and tactile learning

    Multiple Intelligences Theory (MI)
    contends that different people
    have different ways of thinking and
    processing. This theory (Gardner, 1983)
    defines eight discrete intelligences:
    Verbal – linguistic
    Logical – mathematical
    Visual – spatial
    Musical – rhythmic
    Bodily – kinesthetic

    2. Ensure that learning materials have
    the following elements:
    *Rich and engaging content
    *Relevance to students’ life
    *Reflects students’ culture
    Self-motivation is the magic ingredient
    for achieving success in whatever you
    do, including academic success. Part of
    a school’s responsibility is to encourage
    and nurture every student’s innate
    desire to learn. The struggling student,
    the disengaged or “turned-off” student
    is easily overlooked and left to sit in
    the back of the room. These students
    may find standard classroom materials
    too difficult or too easy, the pace of
    learning too slow or too fast. They may
    be overwhelmed by the complexity of the
    classroom environment or the concepts
    being taught.

    3. Empower students to take control
    of their learning through the
    creation of their own personalized
    learning materials.

    Learning by doing has always been
    considered one of the most powerful
    ways to incorporate new learning.
    With technologies such as the Internet
    and computer programs, as well as
    communication devices such as digital
    and web cameras, video cameras and
    smart phones, students have a wealth of
    tools for constructing their own learning
    materials. For students who have
    difficulty with the traditional methods of
    classroom instruction, that rely heavily
    on auditory delivery of information, these
    tools can help level the playing field.

    4.Students with learning
    disabilities and special needs are
    predominantly visual learners
    and benefit when materials are
    designed to respond to their
    preferred learning style.

    Students with learning disabilities are
    predominantly visual learners and right
    brain thinkers. Visual learners are picture
    thinkers! Because visual literacy precedes
    verbal literacy in human development,
    visual learning is the basic building block
    in the thought processes and a critical
    foundation for learning to read and write.

    5.ELL students learn best when
    reading and writing content reflect
    their cultural experience and are
    heavily supported with visual

    Enabling ELL students to personalize
    their reading and writing projects with
    pictures, photos and images provides a
    strong learning foundation.


  13. It is not easy to facilitate students especially if they have their special needs. The following are some ways to facilitate those students with special needs.

    1.Teacher should provide well-structured and well organized classroom.
    >It should be done so that students will be motivated to learn with organized classroom.

    2. Teacher should eliminate some distracting material in the classroom.
    > As a teacher you should do this, so that your students will not be distracted by the things around them while having a class.

    3.Teacher should be flexible and learn to adjust to students needs.
    >You should accept the differences of your learners,you should know how to assess them in their needs and you should guide them well in the teaching-learning process.

    4.Teacher should break the task into smaller units or chunk it.
    > It will be easier for the student to accomplish or finish the given task.

    5. Teacher should check their work and give corrective feedback.
    > You should check the work of your students so that if ever they did not do it correctly you can give them feedback that would help them to correct it.

  14. Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.

  15. Question #1: Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    1.Provide oral instruction for students with reading disabilities. Present tests and reading materials in an oral format so the assessment is not unduly influenced by lack of reading ability.

    2.Provide learning disabled students with frequent progress checks. Let them know how well they are progressing toward an individual or class goal.

    3.Give immediate feedback to learning disabled students. They need to see quickly the relationship between what was taught and what was learned.

    4.Make activities concise and short, whenever possible. Long, drawn-out projects are particularly frustrating for a learning disabled child.

    5.Learning disabled youngsters have difficulty learning abstract terms and concepts. Whenever possible, provide them with concrete objects and events—items they can touch, hear, smell, etc.

  16. Ariane Fave G. Sacal
    BEED- SPED 2
    Educ.23 5:00 PM 6:30PM

    Question # 1 Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    1. Direct Instruction
    Children with special needs require explicit lessons. They shouldn't have to guess or struggle alone to figure out spelling patterns.

    2. Incremental Lessons
    Children with special needs require incremental, sequential lessons that begin with the most basic spelling skills. The lessons in the All About Spelling program carry the student gradually from one concept or skill to the next, with each step building upon skills the student has already mastered. Lessons are presented in a logical order to lessen the frustration and enhance the sense of accomplishment.

    3. Multisensory Activities
    Spelling is a visual skill, but learning well involves all our senses. We need to see, hear, and touch to truly absorb and master new skills.

    Visual learners like to see what they are learning.
    Auditory learners prefer to hear oral instructions and then discuss what they have learned to solidify the material.
    Hands-on learners absorb knowledge best when they can touch and manipulate objects.
    Since most children favor one sense over the other senses, multisensory programs enhance learning by adding depth to the lessons that encourage students to develop all of their senses—which in turn leads to developing stronger skills.

    Regardless of which sense a child favors, all children need spelling programs that can be adapted to their preferred learning style, whether it be through visual, auditory, or tactile methods.

    Every lesson in All About Spelling includes multisensory activities that reinforce the concepts being taught.

    4. Phonogram Instruction
    Spelling properly involves the knowledge of spelling rules and phonograms, and neglecting to teach the phonograms only shortchanges your spelling student.

    All About Spelling teaches the basic phonograms based on the Orton-Gillingham approach to teaching spelling. This approach has consistently proven to be the best method for mastering the spelling of the vast majority of English words.

    5. Spelling Rules
    There is pattern and logic to the English language, with few exceptions to the rules. Teaching the rules governing the majority of words helps make exceptions clear and easy to learn.

    6. Continual Review
    Everyone needs to remember what they've learned, and continual review provides long-term benefits to all students, no matter what their learning needs might be.

    Help children remember concepts through continual review of previously learned rules and words, even basic ones. Continual review permanently ingrains instruction into children's brains—and it only takes two minutes of review per day to make that happen.

    7. Dictation Exercises
    Once a child has learned to write and spell basic words, dictating phrases or sentences promotes better spelling in practical situations.

    Although it's common for children to spell words correctly during spelling lessons, it's equally common for students to misspell those same words when they encounter them outside of lesson time.

    The dictation exercises in All About Spelling give students the opportunity to use and practice their new knowledge.

    8. Easy-to-Follow Lessons
    The All About Spelling method is easy to follow, with clear lesson plans that let instructors focus on the student instead of figuring out the next step in the lesson.

  17. L _ Looking for knowledge
    E_ Expanding the skills
    A_ Academic
    R_ Rapport for every individual
    N_ Non-stop responsibility
    N_ Novel
    G_ Great achievement

  18. L- Ladder - a set of step
    E- Evaluation of your knowledge
    A- Adaptation
    R- Responsibility
    N- Notions
    I- Implementation
    N- Nurture
    G- Gradual

  19. Jesslyn S. Abcede BSED-P.E

    N-ature of
    I-nnovation and
    N-urturing individuals by
    G-iving classic experiences

  20. Inah Nuigee R. Boca

    1. Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    1. Develop grasp and release skills. For the babies or toddlers, simply have them pick the block up and try to place it in a square. The musical response of a successful trial lends the motivation for continued trials.
    2. Work on the in-hand manipulation skill of rotation. Once the child has the grasp and release mastered, increase the challenge by requiring them to rotate the block with one hand to find a specific shape for a different musical arrangement.
    3. Develop matching skills. Have the child rotate each block until the shapes are matching. Again, the musical arrangement will naturally indicate the correct answer.
    4. Develop pre-academic skills. Identify a target color and have the child find the correct block for placement or identify a target shape and have him/her rotate each individual block for shape identification.
    5. Develop sequencing skills. Place the blocks in order so that the melodies will play in the correct sequence. Have the child listen to the sequence and then rearrange the blocks. Then have the child try to re-create the correct sequence. Modify the activity by playing the correct sequence and then remove all the blocks from the base before having the child re-create the sequence. For the advanced stage, have the child cover his/her eyes while you arrange any sequence and then try to re-create the sequence based on only auditory input.

    2. Give at least five distinguishing features of children,adolescent and adult learners

    1. they learn through concrete ideas
    2. developing their readiness through activities which pertains to their fine motor skills and gross motor skills
    3. they learn best through PLAY
    4. they need much motivation to do their tasks
    5. they are attracted to pictures rather seeing written ideas

    1. they undergo physical and emotional changes
    2. they learn through their experiences at school or at work or even through meeting other people.
    3. dependent on adults
    4. they are visual and auditory learners
    5. Once a classroom is safe and comfortable the teens are willing to listen to the teacher

    1. They have the freedom to learn in their own way.
    2. hey understand why something is important to know or do
    3. Learning is experiential.
    4. The process is positive and encouraging.
    5. The time is right for them to learn.

  21. L-iving
    E-nthusiastically by
    R-elevant ang
    I-deas for

  22. 1. Delineate at least five (5) ways to teach students with special learning needs.

    1.Provide oral instruction for students with reading disabilities. Present tests and reading materials in an oral format so the assessment is not unduly influenced by lack of reading ability.

    2.Provide learning disabled students with frequent progress checks. Let them know how well they are progressing toward an individual or class goal.

    3.Give immediate feedback to learning disabled students. They need to see quickly the relationship between what was taught and what was learned.

    4.Make activities concise and short, whenever possible. Long, drawn-out projects are particularly frustrating for a learning disabled child.

    5.Learning disabled youngsters have difficulty learning abstract terms and concepts. Whenever possible, provide them with concrete objects and events—items they can touch, hear, smell, etc.
